May Recipe of the Month: Mushroom Quiche

Mushroom Quiche


nonstick cooking spray                                  1¼ cups sliced mushrooms

3 green onions, finely chopped             1 clove garlic, finely chopped

1½ teaspoons dried oregano                                2 teaspoons dried basil

¼ teaspoon salt                                               1 teaspoon dried marjoram

¼ teaspoon dried thyme                     ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

½ teaspoon dried mustard       1 cup egg substitute

¾ cup nonfat milk    ½ cup shredded low-fat Cheddar cheese

NOTE: 1 tsp dried mustard = 1 tablespoon regular mustard


Place an oven rack in the lower third of the oven. Preheat oven to 375˚F. Spray a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Sauté mushrooms, green onions, and garlic until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in oregano, basil, salt, marjoram, thyme, ground black pepper, and dry mustard. Cook until liquid is evaporated, about 2 minutes. Let the mushroom mixture cool for about 5 minutes. In a medium bowl, combine egg substitute, milk, and cheese; beat well. Combine the batter with the mushroom mixture and pour into a 10-inch pie dish. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes until filling is puffed, set, and starting to brown. Serve while hot.

Makes 6 Servings

Quiche de Hongos


Aerosol de cocina antiadherente               1¼ tazas de hongos picados

3 cebollinos, picado finamente           1 diente de ajo, picado finamente

1½ cucharaditas de orégano seco       2 cucharaditas de albahaca seco

¼ cucharaditas de sal                              1 cucharadita demejorana seca

¼ cucharadita de tomillo seco                    1 taza de un substituto de huevo

¼ cucharadita de pimienta negra molida

½ cucharadita de mostaza seca         ¾ taza de leche descremada

½ taza de queso Chedder rallado y bajo en grasa

Nota: 1 cucharadita de mostaza seca = 1 Cucharada de mostaza preparada


Ponga rejilla del horno en la tercer inferior nivel en el horno. Precalentar el horno a 375˚F. Rociar un sartén grande con el aerosol y calentar sobre un fuego medio-alto. Saltear hongos, cebollinos y ajo hasta que tiernos, 5 mins. Agregar orégano, albahaca, mejorana, tomillo, pimienta y mostaza. Cocinar hast que el liquido se desaparece, 2 mins. Deja la mezcla de hongos a enfriar por 5 mins. En un tazón medio, mezclar substituto de huevo, leche y queso; batir bien. Combinar mezcla con hongos y echar en un plato de pastel 10 pulgadas. Hornear por 35-35 mins hasta que el relleno esta inflado, conjunto y comiencen a dorarse. Servir caliente.

6 Porciones






May Agency Spotlight: Telos of Encompass Community Services

You’ve probably been hearing a lot of talk about the importance of food safety lately.  At the food bank, we just held a Food Safety Training for our agencies. That’s why this month’s Agency Spotlight is not only a role model for our partnering residential programs but also a leader in food safety.

Telos, previously named Transition House, is a hospital diversion program that is part of Encompass Community Services. This organization helps people in crisis transition to their next destination in life. According to Lisa Bautista, the kitchen coordinator, Telos is a Greek word meaning the process of moving toward your perfection.

At Telos, Lisa does most of the menu planning and cooking. The program accepts around 10 clients at a time, and the kitchen is essentially the heart of the house.  Around 40% of the food Lisa uses comes from Second Harvest, and most of this is fresh vegetables and produce. Lisa says that the quality of the produce is often better than what she can find in the store at an affordable price, especially the organic produce.

Lisa’s focus is nutrition. “There’re a lot of people coming through the mental health system on meds that can make them pre-diabetic or hungry,” Lisa says. “If you believe that there’s a link between what you eat and how you feel, then nutrition of food is really critical.”

More than that, Lisa is a food safety ambassador. She has a background in cooking for toddlers, a demographic for which the risk of illness is more dire. The refrigerators and freezers at Telos are organized ruthlessly, just like food safety standards suggest, with poultry and ground meats on the bottom shelves all the way up to fresh produces on the top shelves.

Telos Freezer

The cupboards are organized, and the countertops are sanitized with two different kinds of disinfectant, one for more environmentally friendly purposes.  She constantly reminds the residents to wash their hands, especially before meals, because she believes it is the simplest way to prevent illness. “People are here because they’re having a crisis,” Lisa says. “The thought of getting foodborne illness or getting somebody else’s cold is the last thing on their list.”

Because of Lisa’s careful consideration for nutrition and food safety, she is able to provide healthy food from Second Harvest to clients that might not otherwise be well nourished. We applaud Lisa for her outstanding work at Telos.

May Nutrition Notes: Preventing Diabetes

This month’s Nutrition Tips are about preventing diabetes. There are 18.8 million people in the U.S. with diabetes and 7.0 million are undiagnosed! Diabetes is the name for a group of chronic (lifelong) diseases that can be controlled but not cured as yet. Diabetes causes a build-up of sugar in the bloodstream which can be dangerous to our health. Here are a few basic tips to help prevent diabetes:

Diabetes Nutrition Tips 2Diabetes Nutrition Tips